A superb artist ... she had me completely mesmerized." –Catskill Chronicle



Japan Bach Solo Review, 2014 Sept 3                                            

On Claudia Schaer's recording of the Bach Sonatas and Partias:

"An elegant, delicate, and light-touched performance with the modern instrument. Lucid timbre is also beautiful. Non-Baroque style ornaments are sometimes inserted, which gives this recording unique character. This is a wonderful performance with secure skills."                    

Rating (highest possible):

Japan Bach highest rating .png

Gramophone Magazine, 2015 June

On Claudia Schaer's recording of the Bach Sonatas and Partias:
“There is delicate ornamentation present here … when a delicate turn or appoggiatura appears – as it does to particularly appealing effect in the E major Third Partita – it lifts the music off its feet and into a dance in a way that is very striking. The strengths of this performance are all also its subtleties … intelligent tracking of the multifarious phrases within phrases of all these movements … ”

American Record Guide, 2015 JULY/AUGUST                                            

On Claudia Schaer's recording of the Bach Sonatas and Partias:
"[...] One distinguishing characteristic is [Schaer's] gentle attacks. I am reminded of Leopold Mozart's book on violin playing where he extolls that "small softness" at the beginning of a bow stroke (which modern violinists generally avoid in their quest for the undetectable bow change)."

NEw Music Toronto, 2014 May

Esprit Caps of 21C:
"The work was inspired by the Luigi Serafini (an Italian artist and architect) and his Codex Seraphinianus. True to the source material, di Castri created a mysterious, colourful world [...] The amplified violin was showcased here, and Claudia Schaer did a wonderful job handling the different techniques thrown at her by the composer."

Musical Toronto, 2014 May

Esprit Orchestra Closes 21C Festival with Mystery and Discovery:
"[Serafiniana] was a thoughtfully fused paradigm of pre-recorded and amplified violin, played by soloist Claudia Schaer, with the [Esprit] chamber orchestra at her back. The piece made use of grand pauses to dramatic effect, and included thwarts of strange glissandos and delicate pizzicati. [...] di Castri's piece was wonderfully imaginative and lovingly performed"


North/South Consonance presents Spring Intermezzo:
"There were excellent pieces on the program, and the musicianship of Ms. Schaer and Mr. Lifchitz is outstanding.", 2014 January

"The solo violin [of Margarita Zelenaia's Lamentations for Violin and String Orchestra] was vibrantly played by Claudia Schaer"

Catskill Chronicle, 2013 May

"Great Music, Expertly Performed in Parksville"
"[First Violinist of the Minerva Quartet] Schaer is not just a leader. She is a superb musician. In the Nielsen and Beethoven quartets she somehow managed to find a myriad of ways to phrase with a plethora of dynamics that can be described as soulful expressions of beauty. She brought her great talent to these works and made them sound like masterpieces (which they could be). I marveled at the amount of dynamics she was inspired to express, and thought Nielsen and Beethoven would have, too. For Dvorak's quartet; it seemed that she just played its melodies et al and let the work speak for itself. A superb artist, she was an inspiration to me and had me completely mesmerized."

Schwäbische Zeitung, Germany, 2010 June

"Internationally renowned violinist Claudia Schaer plays a special concert at the Josephkapelle [...]"

Thisted Dagblad, Denmark, 2009 August

"Capturing the heart of the modernistic voice.
"The Thy Chamber Music Festival Concert on Wednesday: pure excellence.  [...] Alfred Schnittke's moving piano quintet ended the program with a strong impact. Music "with conscience", it requires the performer's utmost control of nuance, and demands the audence's deep concentration. The performance was elating, from the heart, and stellarly executed.  The audience left the theatre moved to the core."

Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 2009 September

Barganews, Italy, 2007 August 9

The Canadian violinist Claudia Schaer played this evening in the Chiostro di S.Elisabetta in Barga Vecchia – the last concert in the series “Musica nei Borghi 2007″. On the programme: G.Ph. Telemann, Fantasia in Si bemolle Magg, Bach, Sonata in La Min (see the small video below) and followed by B.Bartók, Sonata per violino solo. Following on comments about the operabarga festival this year concerning the high level of the musicians performing this year [...] it was gratifying to note that this evening the Chiostro was full with standing room only at the back.


Konzertkritik Magasin Elfenau Park; Bern, Switzerland, 2007 July 12

"[...] a superb musician.
In Bach's Solo Sonata in A -, glorious music in full, she gave her all. [...] She played a stellar Paganini Caprice, and then a sublimely beautiful and loving Mozart. In her final piece, the Ciaccona by Bach (a pinnacle work for violinists, requiring utmost creative power and true virtuosity), Claudia Schaer proved to us that she possesses a stupendous breadth of sensitivity and ability
We thank her deeply for this beautiful concert.

Albany Times Union, 2007 April

" ...The lasting impression is the quality of the performers. Violinist Claudia Schaer was a rock-solid centerpiece, her meaty tone functioning like an unblinking witness to the depth and bitterness of  [Lifchitz's] piece."


~ The Juilliard Journal, 2002 February


Testimonials ~ Musicians, Audience, Organizers

"Superb playing! Your energy in the solo part really brought [Zosha di Castri's] piece to life. Fantastic!"
~ John Adams, composer,
July 2, 2010; at "An Evening with John Adams", Banff Centre for the Arts


"The finest concert we've had at Glencairn Cathedral. Beautiful."
~ Lachlan Pitcairn, long-time sponsor, patron, and organizer,
April 11, 2010; at Violin and Harp at Glencairn Museum, Bryn Athyn


"Your solo was gorgeous - you play [Bach] with the Baroque phrasing, and the modern palette of colours. It's the best of both worlds."
~ Meredith Hall, soprano, 
April 6, 2012; after St.Matthew's Passion, Canada


"I have heard many violinists play the [Bach] Ciaccona, but yours was by far the most moving - it was so beautiful, never forced. I was nearly weeping by the end."
~ Jørgen Munk,
September 26, 2011; Lodbgerg Church, Denmark


"You lifted up my soul. I feel joyous and alive again."
~ Audience Member,
June 15, 2010; at North/South Performance

“You’re different from other violinists - you have a great technique obviously, but you use it to tell a story, your phrasing speaking the musical language as clearly as can be.”
~ Composer Audience Member,
January 21, 2018; at KeyedUp Series, New York City

“The most expressive Ysaÿe Ballade I have ever heard.”
~ Pierre Amoyal,
July 1992, in masterclass at Domaine Forget Festival, Québec, Canada